All shipping prices are quoted in United States dollars. No C.O.D. orders can be accepted.
Currently, we ship only to valid US addresses, excluding APO/FPO/DPO, PO Boxes and US Territories. For security reasons, we are unable to alter the address or redirect the package after payment has been made. We will make our best effort to ship your successfully placed order same day if it is received and accepted by Fugoo before 12:00 p.m. PST (Monday - Friday, excluding designated holidays). We will make our best effort to ship your successfully placed order within 1 business day if it is received and accepted by Fugoo after 12:00 p.m. PST (Monday – Friday, excluding weekends or designated holidays).
Orders ship when all items are available. You will receive an email notification once your order is shipped. It will include shipment and tracking information. Fugoo offers expedited shipping options to meet your needs. These options are available to you upon checkout.
You can estimate shipping charges and taxes at checkout based on the information you enter in your order. Shipping rates are based on the estimated packaged weight and dimensions of your complete order. To reflect the policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.
Please note the posted shipping time frame may be listed on the individual product page and may vary from item to item. The posted shipping time frame is contingent upon product availability and credit card approval. Shipping time frames may be delayed should we experience difficulties with product availability or in obtaining credit card authorization.
These shipping terms are accepted by you by placing an order with us.
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